Spiros Tegos
Spiros Tegos is the assistant professor of Early Modern Philosophy at The University of Crete, Greece. He holds a Ph.D. on ‘The Concept of Social Sentiments (friendship, sympathy, compassion) in Early Modern Political Philosophy’ (Paris X-Nanterre, 2002, sup. Etienne Balibar) and his research in the history of moral and political philosophy (Scottish and French enlightenment) has appeared in French as well as in British, Italian and Greek academic journals and edited volumes. He is currently preparing a book on the classical French sources - early modern theater, belles-lettres - of early liberalism (David Hume, Adam Smith) regarding the social and political relevance of “middling rank” (middle class) manners and its aftermath in the French liberalism (Mme de Stael, Alexis de Tocqueville).